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Monday, October 09, 2006

Online Privacy

In my last post I pledged to overthrow the evil FalconPain from his perch atop the Metroid Prime Pinball leaderboard.

My battle strategy, should I want to include social engineering tactics in my warplan could have started with a quick web search. How easy the mighty can fall. In less than 5 minutes I had FP's real name and birthdate on my screen. That needed cross checking for verification but was very much contextually valid and I would say 85%+ likely to be the target of my conquest.

PEOPLE - WATCH WHAT YOU POST ONLINE. Sorry for screaming. But geez...

I like to play Canasta on Yahoo Games (let me know if you play) and as a public service I often warn people when they are revealing too much online. One unsuspecting opponent was shocked when I asked her how disturbing the noise was from the local airport. Her id included a part that I guessed was her zipcode. And so it was. I found a map of her region and narrowed her location to within a small area in < 10 minutes.

This day of personal publishing / blogging / online resumes has its advantages, but we must remember to not go over the line. At the very least, never display your birthdate in a public profile. Identity thieves and other scoundrels are on the prowl...

Not to mention, pinball wizards on a mission. So BEWARE!


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